So I thought that DC was the cause of most of my most recent problems...only to find out it was all really! Anyone who knows me or who at least reads this far into my blog, knows I HATE cold weather. And by cold weather..... I mean anything less than 50 degrees is cold. Anyways, starting a new gig and moving to a new cold ass city would normally be the start of a great adventure. Unfortunately, I have been a lot less than adaptable than my blogs name would suggest.
Hell..... now that's what sucks.......
Being in a rut and telling yourself you are not in a rut is a tad self defeating, na'mean? The truth is I've been blogging on the sly and even less talking to myself. *Gasp!@#@* Revelation #2......I better stop while I am ahead....nawl......
Anyways, Yeah, I've been slacking in ery'thing mostly cause I lost a little bit of my home when I moved here. Not because I'm getting old...I'm not...but because I think I couldn't connect to solid ground fast enough once I got here...and that I blame on cold ass weather...........
I've always like to fantasize about dimensions of our personalities that are connected to the weather,climate, and overall environment. I am now my own subject.....and as it research would have it...much like the conclusions I reached well over a decade ago........I need SunLight!! Damn it! I mean I need sun and heat together to keep the chi flowing. I can quote some Deepak now and say how life offers it's gifts and reminds us to cherish the sun and the moon together...but damn I don't feel like it....
It beeeees that way sometimes. Although, I've begun to embrace Jack-ass Frost and 'nem ( I'm trying to wear steps steps) I know I still have a long way to go. Let's just say I can't wait till Spring and I can high step in my flip flops on the Metro. Ahhhh life for the living...that's what I call Summer..That's what doesn't Suck....
..I'm working to embrace this thing and maybe I just need to touch my other favorite body a little closer to me in the know to uhhhh help me work this thing on out with a little heat.....
Bikram Yoga anyone?
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