As you all may know by now, today Decemeber 1st is World AIDS Day( WAD). People from Timbuktu to Papua New Guinea are out spreading the urgent message of "accountability" for this year's activities. Accountability, which reflects a need for governments to step up to the plate and honor their committments to the global HIV epidemic, is the theme of WAD.
In just about every city across the globe there are programs, demonstrations, and activities designed to bring heightened awareness to some of the newestHIV issues plaguing the human race.
Just a few of the newest issues are the urgent need for more funding for technologies like microbicides and vaccines, continued political will to treat all patients ( regardless of stigma surrounding their personal infection stories), and increased awareness of the role gender inequality plays. Activists are encouraging everyone to know their HIV status and get TESTED! The more you know, the better you can protect yourself. Find a test center near you and make your way to it...and while you're at it check out local WAD activities in your area.
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