Monday, September 10, 2007

Now I really suck raw eggs....

I gotsta apologize my peopolians.... It's been a long time. It's been 3 months and 3 weeks to be exact.And I'm not jsut saying that cause I'm handy with the mathematics. I know this cause that's how old my daughter is and looks like I went into labor shortly after writing that post.

My, my,my how things DO change. To describe my situation now, um, I'll have to call it taking a long-lasting chill pill. Yeah! That's it I've been trying to come up with some cool way to to describe my recent hiatus from all things non-infant. So, while this blog could be come all things infant, I decided to post all those things on my other page.....

As for this page,I'm back to my sometimes critical analysis of random shit happening around me.I'm back from maternity leave with a beautiful baby with a beautiful existence, so yeah i;m ready to step back in the saddle. But slow, though. Like I said, that chill pill is longlasting ( at least one of them is foolproof :))

I'm posting like a crazy crackhead this month- I think I'll do a marathon of random shit that you'll be happy or half-interested to read. Let the turtle games begin!!!!!

Oh yeah- that's my sweetie pie...

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