In the last few months I have watched more hours of television than I did in the months of Jan-May combined. Now, normally I might beat myself up but I'm learning to be mindful of things I don't intend to do.I think we could benefit from a little more mindfulness. In this particular case, I wasn't beating myself up about watching some mindless entertainment when mid-channel surf I found it...... Namaste Yoga on FItTV.
I was very close to mental giddyness when my remote stumbled onto this show. Mind you it's all of 12:30 am and I really should be sleeping.I prefer yoga in class or early in the morning at home.Most of the yoga shows on TV are completely bland and lackluster.But this....this ....program was the most like being in class with a serious yogi.This yoga was so good..... I actually got off the sofa,from under the blanket and onto the floor. With no mat...do you understand that? Downward facing dog hasn't felt that good outside of an instructed class.
To help you visualize,try this. Think Zen music meets slowly rotating outdoor scenery + the calming voice of the instructor.I think I could smell Nag Champa coming through the Tv. I don't know, maybe I am a geek but hell anything that makes you get off the couch at midnight is worth mentioning. Can't wait for it again at 7:30 am. Check the website for your local times. Get to stretching and Sun Salute.....
Namaste Peoples....
check the video...it's so serious
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